Thursday, May 26, 2016

How to Troubleshoot: PC DirSync: Err Msg: Fatal [ 7] Error Renaming File

Summary: During a postoffice Directory Synchronization (Dir-Sync), the DIRSYNC.LOG may indicate one of the following errors: 06/12/95 16:52:14 | Status Microsoft (R) Mail Import V3.2a
06/12/95 16:52:23 | Fatal [ 7] Error renaming file: M:INF\IMPORT.INF or 06/08/94 02:47:52 | Status Microsoft (R) Mail Import V3.2.6
06/08/94 03:13:25 | Fatal [ 7] Error renaming file: M:USR\IMPORT.USR

Resolution: Fixing PC DirSync: Err Msg: Fatal [ 7] Error Renaming File errors is a really difficult task for most computer users. In order to fix your errors and speed up PC, it is recommended that your download the 'PC DirSync: Err Msg: Fatal [ 7] Error Renaming File Repair Tool'. It's an amazing software which is designed for users to troubleshoot PC DirSync: Err Msg: Fatal [ 7] Error Renaming File errors efficiently..

Install PC DirSync: Err Msg: Fatal [ 7] Error Renaming File Error Fixer Now

In order to repair PC DirSync: Err Msg: Fatal [ 7] Error Renaming File issue, install SmartPCFixer immediately. This system optimizer software is already proven to locate, identify, and troubleshoot PC DirSync: Err Msg: Fatal [ 7] Error Renaming File errors. Your computer should run faster and smoother after using this software.

Manual Resolutions

Generally, this inability to properly rename the files is caused by that particular file (INF or USR) being inaccessible for some reason. These reasons may include any of the following:
  • The INF is locked open.
  • The user account logged into the network and running the Dir-Sync processes (DISPATCH.EXE) does not have sufficient rights to the postoffice or its subdirectories.
  • Insufficient file handles in the CONFIG.SYS of the MS-DOS machine running the DISPATCH.EXE process.
  • One or more INF (or USR) file in the INF subdirectory is marked as read-only.
  • Anti virus software operating in "real time" on the server.
  • Because of oplocks on the Windows NT server, the reads and writes are cached. Removing Opportunistic Locking on the Windows NT server experiencing the fatal 7 has been known to resolve this issue. To remove Oplocks from the server use REGEDT32.EXE, and change the following key; WARNING: Using Registry Editor incorrectly can cause serious, system-wide problems that may require you to reinstall Windows NT to correct them. Microsoft cannot guarantee that any problems resulting from the use of Registry Editor can be solved. Use this tool at your own risk. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanServer \Parameters
  • What Else Does SmartPCFixer Offer You?

    Apart from fixing PC DirSync: Err Msg: Fatal [ 7] Error Renaming File problems, SmartPCFixer is designed to provide the user's computer system with better optimization, which helps you manage startup items, desktop, browser objects, Internet, system service, Windows optimization, file extensions and so on. With these sophisticated utilities your system is tuned up to run at the optimal state.

    SmartPCFixer provides you with Registry Backup, System Backup, Favorites Backup and Folder Backup. In addition, the new built-in function of Restore Point enables you to create a system store point so you can recover your system to a previous state if you do not like the changes you have made. This ensures the safety of your system when you run the registry repair process.

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